Many things can throw a spanner in the works of marriage. When biological complications mean that a couple cannot consummate their union, the situation calls for sobriety and understanding by both parties. Photo/FILE NATION MEDIA GROUP.
Dear Kitoto, Thank you so much for the great work you are doing. This is the third time I am writing to you. I first wrote about my problem with primary vaginismus (a muscular contraction that causes the vagina to close, usually an anxiety reaction before coitus or pelvic examination).
You gave me advice but even after following it, nothing improved.
My man left and married another woman after learning that I was not able to participate in the sexual act. We had been engaged. He is now happy and even has a baby with the other woman.
Now I am convinced that my problem is permanent. That is why I need someone who is exactly like me — a man who has erectile dysfunction or a hermaphrodite. I am very serious about this.
I know in your line, you have come across men who complain about their partners being unfaithful or leaving because they cannot perform in bed.
This is unfair because I am lonely and willing to give such a man all the love and care he requires. All he has to do is be a strong believer in God and have a good and kind heart. He should also be willing to help the less fortunate.
I know you do not run a dating agency, but I am sure you can hook me up with such a man. You see, I do not know much about my background. I am half-Indian and half-Kamba, and I never had the chance to meet my father.
I place my fate unto your hands because I have a lot of faith in you. Maybe if I got such a man, I may save somebody from becoming gay. Please have mercy on me and try to feel my pain and dilemma. I beg you. Susan