ODM party leader Raila Odinga (left) flanked by other Cord leaders during a joint press conference on January 10, 2014 at the Serena Hotel in Nairobi. PHOTO | SALATON NJAU  NATION MEDIA GROUP
The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) will not allow any attempt by the Jubilee government to suspend or intimidate any county government.ODM leader and former Prime Minister Raila Odinga accused the government of using intimidation to kill devolution saying such a move would be strongly resisted.
Mr Odinga was reacting to recent remarks made by Deputy President William Ruto during a TV talk show where he told Marsabit Governor Ukur Yatani to take responsibility for the insecurity in his area.
Mr Ruto, who was speaking during the Cheche show on Citizen TV, was also reported to have said the government may consider suspending the county government if security continues to deteriorate.
But while speaking during a joint press conference on Friday at a Nairobi hotel alongside several ODM affiliated leaders from Marsabit and other counties, Mr Odinga termed Mr Ruto’s comments as ‘careless’ and meant to provide a reason for the dissolution of the county government.
“We will not lie low and accept any attempt to kill devolution which Kenyans have fought for for so long,” said the ODM leader.
He claimed there were forces which were against devolution yet Kenyans had voted overwhelmingly for a constitution which ushered in devolved units.
“Such utterances are meant to intimidate and instil fear in counties,” he said of Mr Ruto’s comments made on January 8.
Mr Odinga defended Mr Yatani, saying the governor was not to blame for insecurity in the county.
He instead asked the Jubilee government to take full responsibility and ensure the area was secured even from attackers from neighbouring Ethiopia.
Marsabit has been rocked by conflicts pitting various communities against each other leading to loss of life and property. (READ: Three injured as fresh raids hit Marsabit)
“Security of counties is the responsibility of the national government and does not lie with the governor, the government has denied governors the chance to sit in county security committees and should therefore not blame them for any insecurity in their areas,” said Mr Odinga.
His sentiments were echoed by Senators Abubakar Godana (Marsabit), Johnstone Muthama (Machakos) and Siaya’s James Orengo who also condemned the Deputy President for his comments and asked him to respect county governments. (READ: President Uhuru Kenyatta urged to help end Marsabit violence)
“We remind the Deputy President that article 6 of the constitution creates two levels of governments: National and County, and the relations between the two levels is based on mutual understanding and cooperation,” said Mr Godana.
“These continued threats and attacks by the Deputy President through local proxies and losers in the last general elections is a well-orchestrated plan to ensure that the county is ungovernable and therefore create a basis for a suspension of the county government,” he further claimed.