Dear Friends, African community in Germany, Metta community worldwide,

My Daddy - Mr Andrew Babot Asuwan - AKA - nyung-boy, daddy cool, Papa de Papa left us on Friday, 11 -11 -2014. The Ambassador of the Rep. of Kamerun -H.E Jean Marc Mpay in Berlin - Germany sends condolence, The Lord Major of Tübingen - Boris Palmer sends his condolence. The Cameroonian, African community in Reutlingen / Tübingen joins Enie in organizing a wakekeeping on Saturday 29th in Reutlingen / Tübingen Venue and program to be communicated. Follow Nyung-Boy on Facebook 

"A great man remains great, for he shall always be remembered about how is life impacted his community" Africans most hidden Heros are our fathers & mothers, though no one writes about them, nor wave their flags, their footprints will never disappear, NYUNG-BOY ALIVE FOREVER!

May God rest him in Peace

Sincerely yours

Susan Enie Tatah  -  Daughter!
 Tel: +49 7121- 6964809 / 0152-106-10374