BARAZA la Taifa la Elimu ya Ufundi (NACTE) limetoa notisi ya kuvishushia hadhi vyuo 175, kufuta rasmi vyuo vitano na 41 vimepewa muda wa wiki mbili viwe vimejisajili upya. Akizungumza na waandishi wa habari Dar es Salaam jana, Mwenyekiti wa Baraza hilo, Steven Mlote alisema vyuo hivyo vitano vimefungiwa kuendesha mafunzo na kufutwa kwenye rejista ya vyuo vya ufundi nchini.
Mlote alivitaja vyuo hivyo vitano vilivyofutwa kuwa ni State College of Health and Allied Sciences - Dar es Salaam, Zoom Polytechnic College - Dar es Salaam, Tabitha College – Dar es Salaam (zamani Thabita Vocational Training College - Dar es Salaam), Financial Training Centre - Dar es Salaam na TMBI College of Business and Finance - Dar es Salaam.
Aidha, alisema vyuo 41 vinavyotoa elimu ya ufundi bila kusajiliwa kwa mujibu wa sheria, vimepewa muda wa wiki mbili na kutakiwa vijisajili mara moja kwenye baraza hilo kabla ya kuchukuliwa hatua kali za kisheria.
Alivitaja vyuo hivyo 41 kwa upande wa Dar es Salaam kuwa ni Kewovac Nursing Training Centre – Mbagala, St. Family Health Training Institute - Mbagala, St. David College of Health, Islamic Culture School, Tanzania Education College na Macmillan Training College.
Vingine vilivyopo Arusha ni King Solomon College, Avocet College of Hotel Management, Bethesda Montessori Teachers Training College, Green Themi Teacher’s College & Green Themi Institute of Tourism na Mainland Institute of Professionals.
Vyuo vingine alivyovitaja ni Dodoma College of Business Management, Faraja Health and Emergencies St. Joseph College Mbeya, St. Peter Health Management, Kapombe Nursing School, Uyole Health Institute, Josephine Health Institute, vyote vya Mbeya.
Vingine ni Institute of Public Administration - Chake Chake Pemba, Dar es Salaam College of Hotel and Business Studies - Vuga, Unguja, Zanzibar and Chake Chake, Pemba, Zanzibar, Zanzibar Training Institute, The Professional College of Information Technology, na Languages and Business Studies - Mwera Meli Sita Unguja Zanzibar.
Vimo pia Azania College of Management - Raha Leo, Zanzibar, Time School of Journalism - Chakechake, Pemba Residence Professional College - Mombasa, Zanzibar, Mkolani Foundation Organisation – Mwanza, Kahama College of Health Sciences –Kahama, Institute of Adult Education-Mwanza Campus - Luchelele Site na Zoom Polytechnic – Bukoba.
Halikadhalika, Johrow Star Training College – Shinyanga, St. Thomas Training College – Shinyanga, Dar es Salaam School of Journalism and Mass Communication (DMSJ) cha Bukoba, Mwanza, Geita na Simiyu Vyuo vingine ni Harvest Institute of Health Sciences – Mwanza, Singin International – Bukoba, College of Business Management – Mombasa na Zanzibar, Tanzania Star Teachers College - Chakechake, Pemba na Zanzibar, Tanzania Star Teachers College – Unguja na Zanzibar na St. Mary's International School of Business – Sumbawanga.
Pamoja na hayo, mwenyekiti huyo alisema baraza hilo pia limetoa muda wa mwezi mmoja kwa vyuo 112 kutekeleza masharti ya usajili na vyuo 52 kutekeleza masharti ya ithibati, kwa mujibu wa sheria za uendeshaji vyuo vya ufundi nchini. “Na vyuo vitakavyoshindwa kutekeleza agizo hili vitafungiwa mara moja,” alisisitiza Mlote.
Aidha, alitoa tahadhari kwa vyuo vilivyosajiliwa na vinaendesha programu zisizo na kibali cha baraza. Alivitaja vyuo hivyo kuwa ni AP and Prime College of Business Studies - Dar es Salaam, kinachotoa programu ya Medical Attendant na Nursing Assistant na Universal College of Africa - Dar es Salaam (Banking and Finance, Business Administration, Clearing and Forwarding na Airfares).
Vyuo vingine ni Information and Communication Technology kinachotoa programu za Nursing, Hotel Management, Secretarial Course na Procurement and Supplies pamoja na Professional Skills Development International (PSDI-CENTRE) Centre – Bagamoyo kinachotoa kozi mbalimbali za muda mfupi.
Aidha, vyuo vingine ni Ruter Institute of Financial Management – Mwanza (Accountancy, Procurement and Supply, Banking and Finance na ICT), Mwanza Polytechnic College – Maswa (Ordinary Diploma in Early Childhood Education) na Royal College of Tanzania - Dar es Salaam (Law)
Alivitaja vingine kuwa ni Belvedere Business and Technology College – Mwanza (Accountancy), Chato College of Health Sciences and Technology – Chato (Pharmacy), St. Glory College of Health and Allied Sciences - Dar es Salaam (Medical Attendant) na Zoom Polytechnic College - Dar es Salaam (Computer Science).
Vyuo vingine ni Zanzibar Technology College - Zanzibar (Computer Science na Business Information System. Alivitaja vyuo vyenye hadhi ya usajili iliyokwisha muda ambavyo ni Mteule Training College – Morogoro, Favre Language and Communication Institute - Dar es Salaam, Eagle Wings Training College - Dar es Salaam, The Sinon College - Dar es Salaam, Green Hill Institute (GHI) – Mbeya na Institute of Business Management (IBM) – Morogoro.
Vingine ni Modern Commercial Institute (MCI) - Dar es Salaam, Evin School of Management - Dar es Salaam, SAMFELIS College of Business Studies - Dar es Salaam, Agape College - Dar es Salaam, Belvedere Business and Technology College – Mwanza na Dar es Salaam Institute of Business Management - Dar es Salaam.
Aidha Ellys Institute of Technology – Bunda, Tanzania Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (TICSA) – Arusha, Msakamali Institute of Business Studies and Technology (MIBST) – Msata, Cum Laude College – Njombe, Tarime Institute of Business Management (zamani Tarime Business Training Institute) – Tarime na Dar es Salaam College of Hotel and Business Studies.
Vingine ni Institute of Management and Development Studies - Iringa (zamani Sophist Tanzania College - Iringa), Greenbelt Polytechnic College – Morogoro, Zanzibar Institute of Journalism and Mass Communication (ZIJMC) , Habari Media Training Centre (HAMETC) - Dar es Salaam na City Media College – Arusha.
Pamoja na vyuo hivyo, vyuo vingine vyenye usajili uliokwisha muda wake ni Arusha East African Training Institute – Arusha, AP and Prime College of Business Studies – Dar es Salaam, DayStar Training College - Dar es Salaam, Emmanuel Community College – Kibaha naVictoria Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management - Mwanza.
Vingine kuwa ni Zanzibar Professional Training Institute (ZPTI), Rungwe International College of Business and Entrepreneurship – Mbeya, Mbengwenya College of Business and Information Technology - Mbinga, Musoma Utalii College – Shinyanga na Dar es Salaam Institute of Journalism and Mass Communication (DIJMC) - Dar es Salaam.
Vimo Ubuntu Institute of Social Justice (UISJ) – Mwanza, Institute of Skills Development (ISD) - Morogoro zamani RK Institute of Innovations (RKII), Mbeya Training College (MTC), Media and Values Training Institute (MEVATI) - Dar es Salaam, Marian College of Law (MCL) - Dar es Salaam na PCTL Training Institute (PTI) - Dar es Salaam.
KAPS Community Development Institute - Mafinga, Iringa, Professional Skills Development International (PSDI-CENTRE) Centre – Bagamoyo, East African Institute of Entrepreneurship and Financial Management (EAIEFM) – Arusha, New Focus College – Mbeya, Northern Peaks Business College (NPBC) – Arusha na Mbalizi Polytechnic College – Mbeya.
Vyuo vingine ni Genesis School of Information Technology and Journalism - Dar es Salaam, Kiteto School of Nursing – Kibaya, Kunduchi Nursing School – Dar es Salaam, Wisdom Medical laboratory Training and Research Centre – Dodoma, Global Community College – Geita na KCMC School of Assistant Medical Officers (Radiology) – Moshi.