From left: Ben, Teddy, Edwin and Jeff.
The relationship between women and their hair – and the way that they are judged for it – is not new.
In many different cultures and civilizations, long hair on a woman was considered a sign of fertility and health.
Men, too (such as Samson in the Bible), carried their virility and rank in their long locks.
But times have changed and hair technology has evolved and these days, if you are not blessed with naturally long, luscious locks, you can go out and buy some.
However, the subconscious communication that your hairstyle transmits is still there; all that has changed is that men have to filter out a lot more additional information (such as, “Is it real? Is it fake? Is it a reasonable facsimile of the real thing, then?”) in order to decide whether to date you, do business with you or take you home to mama.
In this light, the Saturday magazine crew got a small group of men together and asked them their opinions on different hairstyles.
This is what they had to say. Read on to find out what your hairstyle communicates about you!-shaven
Jeff: She’s gives off the impression that she is a busy woman without any time to waste, independent minded and who you can rely on to do a project perfectly well.
Normally the punctual and strict type who want things done their own way. They are into their own comfort more than what others expect them to do. I can date her.
Ben: Women like this are go getters and know what they want in life; a career lady keen on her style of doing things.
She doesn’t care what people say. However, they overreact if one says or does something demeaning to them.
They will not joke in a relationship and is the type to leave a man in a huff if they suspect you aren’t serious. I can take her out for a coffee date but nothing more.
Stephen: This is the liberal type who is confident about herself. They exhibit tomboy tendencies and are social to be with.