VETERAN ideologist, CCM cadre, leader and cabinet minister, Mr Kingunge Ngombale Mwiru, announced he was quitting the party, saying he won’t join any other.Mr Ngombale Mwiru told a press conference in Dar es Salaam that he was quitting the ruling party because it is no longer practising its socialism and self reliance ideology, claiming that the party has even changed its rallying slogan.
He explained further that the party had derailed from its own constitutional path, rules and regulations and privatised to the few and the rich. “I have often told them (CCM) during party’s meetings and workshops that changing the slogan from ‘Long Live CCM to ‘Long Live the ruling party’ was a mistake,” said the former cabinet minister.
Mr Ngombale Mwiru pointed out that CCM is currently dominated by the haves, who he claimed are few, while the majority had been left out, further claiming that the gap between the haves and havenots has become huge.
“We need fresh thinking and people to rule the country. It is possible to get the changes within CCM,” he said. He admitted that his decision would sadden many of his close relatives, friends, colleagues and associates but he had to take such decision instead of betraying his own conscience.