Police prepare to destroy the four tonnes of bhang in Migori on June 27, 2014. PHOTO | KNA 

Police in Migori have destroyed bhang valued at Sh100 million following a recent order by a local court.
The haul was part of a consignment confiscated in the area in the past six months, according to area OCPD Joshua Opiyo.
The haul of 4,000 kilograms was set ablaze in Lichota on Friday.
OCPD Opiyo said another consignment valued at Sh150 million will be destroyed next week.
Court officials together with Migori County CID director Violet Makhanu were present to witness the event.
Mr Opiyo said the town has become a favourite transit hub for drug dealers enroute to Nairobi from neighboring country Tanzania.
Ms Makhanu said the court had convicted 20 people found involved in drug business in the region.
“We are yet to finalise a number of other cases connected with the huge haul of cannabis sativa in our possession,” she said, adding that most of the suspects were being held in various police stations awaiting completion of their cases.
Police say big plantations of bhang have been discovered in Migori county recently.
Case in point is the recent destruction of several acres of bhang in the remote parts of Nyatike Sub-County estimated to be worth over Sh50 million.
Hardly a week passes in the area without a huge haul of the drug being nabbed along the Migori-Kisii highway.
However, leaders and residents accuse law enforcement officers of working in cahoots with the drug cartels.
“We suspect that the drug barons work with the police who are bribed with huge monies to protect their business,” claims former civic leader John Owira.